Some people look their part. What I mean is...A lot of times you can pick out your athletes, your musicians, your uptight business moguls and your wild-eyed artists in a line-up amongst us "regular" folk...but Josh is different. He has the look of your everyday contributor to the social norm, but just below the surface rages a river of creativity fed by multiple headwaters. A maniacal mix of 90's grunge metal, adolescent fantasy, true love and soul crushing loss all blend to give you a glimpse inside the mind of my friend. He has evolved from drawing doodles on our notebooks, to customizing our surfboards, and is now one of the pillars of the Orlando art scene. Enjoy the ride through personal expression, social commentary and some good old fashioned insanity.
"There is a cost, my friends...
Of living out some other dream to
find the consequence..."ManManchester Orchestra - Cope

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